Saturday, July 25, 2009

tell me how I feel now cuz I can't


I'm not crying, nor laughing
just feel bad & sad
I know I don't have rights to be angry
or even to feel it. I don't need to.
It's all my fault though.
I just want to say sorry. the BIG one.
I apologize.. hope this one is really
the "last"one.. hope this one isn't the
meaningless one..

Thursday, July 23, 2009 after exam

Just finished my winter sem exam this afternoon, finally..

now can rest..but still can't sleep huhuhuuu..
Studied last minute last nite..only slept for like 5hours, better than
no sleep @ all of course,,but I feel relieved!! yaayyyy..
Talk about exam just now, nothing much..but really, I love the
mcq questions, ahaaakss!! Hopefully the result is fine,,haa..pass is
enough....NOT actually..I want more!!! but it is much more better
than accounting..craps..dun wanna think abt it!!

2 weeks holiday..before next sem's class started! do what..
can't go home, have to save money (sad..) but I miss my family,,
had a nightmare AGAIN last night (sempat,haa..) like I never!!
I wonder when can I sleep dreamless..peacefully..
Its not that I dun dream about the good good things
but,,U can ask.. MY dreams,,is always weird weird one
luckily "the dreamer is not the real me" (talking rubbish) head feel like exploding..not enough sleep..
(who ask U to OL every nite!?..sounds familiar*grin*)
Maybe I've to start packing tomorrow..isshhh.. I hate packing!!
I just moved "here"last sem..n now..have to move again..
sometimes I feel jealous w/ my friends who stays w/ their family..
hahaa..I know..sounds so not me..last time
now U'll realize when U're here, alone..far away (Kch-Ponti pun..)
from Ur beloved family (terharu,hikss..)

Why am I writing now?.. half bored..half waiting..
where r they..? me n my friends are going "somewhere" this exactly..heee..but while waiting.. just write sth
rather than U think abt sth else..or facebooking (ehhmmm!!)
just joking, I prefer fb to fs actually (wth I'm talking abt now)
I think, gtg now..*grin*
bye bye..

Sunday, July 19, 2009

-missing this-


what a big word
Really miss U ada n ga akan pernah ada yg kaya' kalian..huhuuuu..
Btw, bangga euy ama teteh, bikin "project" buat kita!ahakkzz.. ssuatu yg akan menggemparkan siantan, lol.. Kaya apa yg t2h blg,,moga aja dgn "itu" bisa nyatukan kita lagi..hikzzz..(ngepet dibuat2 sangadh sedihnya) But seriously, maaf bwat teteh,echie,rana..bukannya knapa..sibuk bgt2 skrg (yaa,,ga jelas gtu de) makanya ga smpat kbar2in..balik aja ngga kali liburan ini..bnr2 pengen gila2an ma klian lagi, pokoknya buat smua, baik2 dsna n kejar impianmu (buat echie..SEKOLAH LAGI!!! :D , rana..kita sama2 berjuang ya nek! ;) , n tau perlu brapa kali mo bilang ini tp bner2 ga sabar utk liat hasilnya!! hahaaa..

p.s : kapan bisa berburu sunset lagi??


haha..sound so formal,,

what to say..? hmmm...
this is the first time I write, a BLOG